It's a Beautiful Blue Planet

Let's save it!

We can do it. And we can start in our own backyards!

We live on a beautiful blue planet

It’s blue, and it’s so special because it’s a water planet. Water that’s essential to life.

But this planet—the only one we yet know of that generates and supports an astounding wealth of life and beauty—is facing big challenges.

Challenges like climate change, plastics in oceans and everywhere, pollinator decline, and dwindling bird populations.

Not sure you really understand the problems or their causes? Or, more importantly, what you can do to help solve them?

You’re not the only one! I’ve found that many people don’t understand them. Many don’t even know what carbon dioxide is or what it does.

My aim is to help you learn more about each of the planet’s challenges.

Many feel powerless to help. The problems are big. It’s too depressing and scary. So they ignore it all. Or just don’t care.

But that’s not the approach we need to take. It is overwhelming. And it is downright scary. And it’s getting very serious.

Every one of us is needed to be informed and to take wise action to make sure we leave our planet in good shape for the future. There are solutions to every one of our problems. If we act soon.

Choose a topic to start with:                                                                  

Climate change and carbon dioxide


Plastics and microplastics

Gardening and landscaping that heals the planet

We pass this earth on to our children. And to our grandchildren.

Never before has taking sound action to assure a bountiful future for our children been so important. Earth’s problems are now truly pressing.

Here you’ll find information, solutions, tips, lifestyle tweaks, and groups to contribute to, to help change our trajectory. So we can leave a livable future for our children

So let’s save this beautiful blue planet.

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