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All my life I wanted to save the Earth…

“…knowledge generates interest, and interest generates concern…” – Douglas Tallamy

It is my goal to inform you about the ways we can still act to help save this precious planet. When you know about and understand the problems then you know what to care about. And you can understand what to do to help.

I grew up in Connecticut roaming the woods, learning the native plants, playing in brooks and waterways, and picking wild fruits. That was where I fell in love with this beautiful planet.

So, I got my degree in Polymer Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. Polymer Chemistry because as a young person I foresaw the problem with plastics, and I wanted to develop biodegradable plastics. (Yes, I was waaay ahead of my time on that.) And Environmental Chemistry because I wanted to understand the chemistry of the greater environment and how to pretect it

Next, as I went off to save the earth, I found an environmental group that plants trees in Los Angeles. Well, that’s when I started my journey into horticulture, Permaculture, and landscape design so I could improve the earth with eco-friendly landscapes.

Now I write to inform others about our environmental problems and to persuade people to take the right actions to help. Because we’re at an urgent stage.

I truly wish I’d stuck to my goal of developing biodegradable plastics. It was a long time ago, and I would have loved to prevent what’s happening now. But I might have been fighting a steep uphill battle. No one could imagine the plastic crisis coming. Now that the problem is huge and undeniable, action is needed by everyone.

So, I hope I can persuade you to take the right actions to help heal this earth. Knowledge is power. And everyone can really help save our earth.

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