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Topic: Climate Change

Just what is carbon dioxide and how does it cause climate change?
You may not be on board with climate change or understand what’s causing it. There’s been a lot of naysaying around it. But carbon dioxide is at the root of it. Find out just what carbon dioxide is, why there’s too much of it, and what that has to do with our climates…and weather events.

Global warming or climate change—which is the better term?
There are other terms, but ‘climate change’ was used in many national discussions to downplay the dangerous effects of a warming planet. This has delayed our response to the science that has been warning us. Here’s an interesting history about the terms we use…and those we should use.

How is a carbon footprint calculated—and what do we do with it?
Calculating your carbon footprint is both useful and it’s been…well a trick. Find out how to calculate yours and how you can use it…and learn how the trick has been used on us.

What are carbon emissions?
Carbon emissions are the way we can measure carbon footprints and find the biggest emitters. Find out how carbon is measured.

Do individual actions matter at all?
It can be overwhelming to fight climate change on an individual basis. Does what we do ourselves matter at all? The answer is a big yes…but…it’s complicated!

Ocean acidification—what’s causing it and what can we do? 
As more and more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, the oceans are acidifying right along with it. And it’s already affecting shellfish. Find out how it happens to ocean waters and how that affects marine life.

Two powerful ways soil soaks up carbon dioxide
How we garden, how we landscape the land around us, and how our food is grown can do some great work in soaking up carbon dioxide and fixing it in the soil to lock it out of the atmosphere. And it builds soils of superior fertility, too!